TriCom Technical Services

Mobile Marketing – a good fit for recruiting?

In Uncategorized on June 25, 2010 at 7:03 pm
by Jennifer Kurzava

Tuesday evening I had the pleasure to attend the SMCKC June Evening Speakers Event mobile marketing meeting hosted by Barkley. 

Featured presenters Mike Craig of Ruxter, Laura Ballard of Little Springs Design, and Dustin Jacobsen of Barkley provided an overall summary of mobile marketing best practices, mobile apps and discoverability, and the function of location-based applications today and how they might perform in the future.

Their presentations can be found on Shake Gently.

Being social media savvy as I am, I was fervent to learn more about how to best implement mobile practices to attract both prospective candidates and potential clients to us and our recruiting services. We have recently built our social media presence and reformatted our website, and I am eager to get started with a mobile campaign. But is there a place for mobile media in recruiting?

Because we’re marketing a service, not a brand, the method of execution seems to be a little blurry compared to marketing a product to a consumer audience. Our struggle – what is the best way to target both potential clients and passive, qualified candidates over mobile devices?

I have a few ideas, but I’m wondering what you think.

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